Thursday, November 13, 2008

Riley's Fable

Riley's mind never ceases to amaze me. He's incredible! The other day his teacher was talking about the National Anthem. Riley was intrigued so he came home and Googled it. The next thing I know, he's printed out the lyrics and is reading up on Francis Scott Key. He can now sing the entire song. His teacher couldn't say enough good things about him at parent teacher conferences. He just such a great kid! I feel so lucky to be his mom.

Today at school they learned about Aesop's Fables. Each of the students then took a blank sheet of paper and wrote their own. I was astounded by what Riley came up with, without ANY help. Here is his fable:

The Rock and the Mouse
A Fable
By Riley McCarter
(Age 7)

One day a rock was sitting in the desert. He was so hot and thirsty. Then a mouse came along who noticed the rock sitting there. The rock said, “Please pour a bucket of water on me.”
The next day, the mouse came back with a bucket of water. He poured it all over the rock. Then the rock was cold and said, “Please put some leaves all over my cold body.”
The next day, the mouse came back and put some leaves all over the rock. The rock said, sounding much better, “I have one more task for you. Bring me a friend.”
The next day the mouse came back with nothing. The rock said, “I thought I asked you to bring me a friend. The mouse said, “I’m right here.”
The moral to the story is sometimes you already have what you think you need.